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Team Telecom Armenia Presents Sustainability-Linked Bonds to Prospective Investors at an Official Event

Team Telecom Armenia has announced the issuance of Sustainability-Linked Bonds at a special investor event, reaffirming its commitment to reducing the environmental impact of its operations.

The initiative underscores the Company’s focus on sustainable business growth while offering an appealing investment opportunity.

The bonds, available in both US dollars and Armenian drams, have a combined total value of USD 75 million. Proceeds will be allocated to Team Telecom Armenia’s strategic priorities, including the expansion of mobile and fixed networks, the development of Team Energy electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and the refinancing of existing loans.

Addressing attendees, Hayk Yesayan, General Director of Team Telecom Armenia, highlighted the transformative potential of this initiative:

This bond issuance marks a pivotal step in modernizing Armenia’s telecommunications landscape in advancing toward a responsible, sustainable digital future. It is both an investment opportunity and a means to support the country’s telecom sector development.”

This issuance reaffirms Team Telecom Armenia’s leadership in both financial innovation and sustainability, offering a unique opportunity for investors to contribute to Armenia’s digital transformation.

The first series of US dollar bonds have a nominal volume of 45 million dollars, with a nominal value of USD 100 per bond, a coupon interest of 7.95%, and a circulation period of 60 months. The second series of US dollar bonds has a nominal volume of 20 million dollars, with a nominal value of USD 100 per bond, a coupon interest rate of 7.85%, and a circulation period of 48 months.

The Armenian dram-denominated bonds have a nominal volume of 3.9 billion drams, with a nominal value of AMD 100,000 per bond, a coupon interest rate of 11.5%, and a circulation period of 60 months.

All bond placements will conclude by December 18, 2024, facilitated by Ameriabank.

“The issuance of sustainability-linked bonds by Team Telecom Armenia marks the first-of-its-kind initiative in Armenia. This initiative plays a crucial role in bringing attention to ESG issues, while promoting actions to address them. It is also important for investors, as it provides a unique opportunity to engage in the implementation of this vital mission,” said Artak Hanesyan, Chairman of the Management Board-CEO of Ameriabank.

Bonds acquisition is available through  the MyInvest platform of the MyAmeria application, or by visiting any branch of Ameriabank and filling out an application-order, or by sending a completed application-order form to Ameriabank's e-mail address: capitalmarkets@ameriabank.am.

Over the past two years, Team Telecom Armenia has implemented an environmental & social management system aligned with international standards, significantly reducing the environmental impact of its operations. As part of its sustainability goals and aligned with current bond issuance, the company is committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 40% by 2029.  

The official event was attended by the Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan, the Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan, the Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, the Chairman of the Central Bank Martin Galstyan, accredited ambassadors in Armenia, representatives of international organizations and the financial and banking sector, as well as partners, shareholders and team members of Team Telecom Armenia.

The prospectus of "Telecom Armenia" OJSC bonds was registered by the decision of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia on November 27, 2024. The bond distributor is "AMERIABANK" CJSC. The procedure for acquiring bonds, the electronic version of the prospectus, and the announcement on the public offering of bonds can be found here.

About Team Telecom Armenia

Telecom Armenia OJSC (brand name: Team Telecom Armenia) is an Armenian company that holds a leading position in the country's telecommunications and information technology sectors. Being the successor of the first telecom network in Armenia, the company has more than 100 years of experience in providing services in the field. Team provides mobile and fixed internet, digital television, mobile and fixed telephony services to both individual and corporate subscribers. Team Telecom Armenia's goal is to provide high-quality telecommunications services to all residents of Armenia. To achieve this, the company is constantly modernizing and re-equipping cellular and fixed networks, launching new international communication lines, which also increase the level of reliability and security of the Internet in Armenia.

Public Relations Department: pr@telecomarmenia.am

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