Գլխավոր Թոփ լուրեր Լրահոս Վիդեո Թրենդ

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No payment via Idram? More than 21,000 points of sale accept payment via Idram

Not only making payments, but also accepting payments via Idram has long been a must-have. Contactless, secure, fast and with a number of advantages. We talked to Idram Commercial Director Grigori Yolyan about how to accept payments with Idram and become a partner.

  • Idram stickers can be found at every step: from large supermarkets to backyard kiosks. What are the advantages of accepting payment through Idram, how do you work with partners?

The question is quite extensive, so let's talk about everything in order (ed: smiles).

Accepting payments through Idram is profitable

Points of sale often prefer to accept cashless payment via Idram, and there are two main reasons for this: firstly, it is more profitable with Idram, as we offer the lowest possible commission to the business, and the point of sale receives the money paid for purchases on the same day. Another important point is that the same commission is charged at the point of sale, regardless of whether the customer has chosen Idram wallet, account or IDBank card as the payment source, and whether the attached card is local or international.

Rocket Line Digital Installment Plan

From the moment a merchant starts accepting payment with Idram, it can also automatically accept payment with Rocket Line digital credit. This means that customers can make purchases regardless of whether they have enough money in their account or not. The principle of "Buy Now, Pay Later" gives the customer the opportunity to use the service or purchase the desired product, and ensures an increase in the number of customers and sales of the point of sale.

Possibility to provide bonuses and gift cards to clients

Points of sales cooperating with us have the opportunity to provide their customers with bonuses and digital gift cards, and both the former and the latter are reflected directly in the Idram&IDBank application, i.e. the customer does not need to keep additional cards in his wallet. When making a payment, the client sees his bonuses and gift cards in the application and, if necessary, can pay with them, and if the amount is insufficient, choose other accounts or cards, i.e. make a combo-payment. From a sales point of view, this is an effective way of attracting customers and holding various promotions for your customers, thanking your customers.

Providing idcoin loyalty points, raffles and promotions

Recently Idram and IDBank have introduced new loyalty points - idcoin, which Idram users can get, for example, simply for their activity. Accumulated idcoins can be spent by our users in any place where there is a possibility to pay via Idram, paying contactless with QR. In addition, Idram regularly conducts drawings, as a result of which sales volumes, number of transactions, etc. increase in various points of sale. In other words, accepting Idram payment for a point of sale becomes a guarantee that the customer will use this point of sale and return later.

Promoting charity and social responsibility

As you know, Idram together with IDBank has been implementing "The Power of One Dram" initiative for 4 years already. In other words, every time a payment is made through Idram&IDBank application, online platforms and terminals of the two companies, the companies transfer one dram to "The Power of One Dram", which over the years has transferred more than 170 million drams to various charitable foundations operating in Armenia. This means that the outlet, having the ability to pay through Idram, contributes to the expansion of charitable activities. After all, the more payments, the more "drams" are directed to the solution of educational, medical, defense or environmental issues of our country. We have crossed the border of 172 million drams, supported about 30 foundations and will continue to do good.

  • Often customers make a purchase and then return the goods. In case of non-cash payment, for example when paying by card, the amount is sent back to the card from which the payment was made. How does this process work in case of payment via Idram?

You are right, one of the conditions for loyalty and good service of a retail outlet is ensuring fast and trouble-free refunds. In case of payment via Idram, thanks to the system we have implemented, refunds can be made instantly. The customer does not have to apply, wait or take any other action. The merchant does it with a few clicks, ensuring that the refund is credited back to the user's wallet or account.

  • We often pay through Idram not only in points of sale, but also in restaurants and cafes. Leaving tips remains a headache at the time of closing the bill: we know that with Idram this option is available at many places, but how can we be sure that it is the waiter and not the business owner who gets the tip?

In Idram&IDBank application there is indeed a possibility to leave tips in cafes and restaurants, and you can choose both the percentage option: 5%, 10%, 15%, or enter the preferred amount. In the system the accounts to which the amount of your order and tips are transferred are separated, so you can be sure that the money will reach the waiter who serves you. This solution is perfect, especially for people who absolutely hate cash. All you need is a smartphone and Idram, payment will be made instantly, easily and contactless.

  • Yolyan, what does it mean to pay through Idram?

It's easy with Idram, and here's the proof. Paying through Idram means:

  • Getting rid of cash,
  • Hence, you do not overload your pocket or bag with your wallet,
  • When paying, you can select the account or card you want to pay with,
  • In addition to the funds available in your accounts, you can pay with Rocket Line digital installment plan,
  • In more than 9500 points Rocket Line is interest-free, and in some points it is possible to pay Rocket Line at 0% for up to 12 months.
  • Make necessary payments from any point and at any time,
  • Receive bonuses in more than 1200 points of sale and easily use them when making contactless QR-payments,
  • Take advantage of promotions and discounts regularly organized by Idram,
  • Buy tickets for cultural or entertainment events, etc. in a few minutes.

I would like to note once again that Idram is for everyone. We have already said this many times, and we are sure that both our users and the companies that cooperate with us agree with us.