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A network ready for the transition to 5G and qualitatively new television. Ucom signed official agreements with Nokia and MediaKind

Ucom announces the initiation of a new phase in network modernization. As part of this endeavor, official agreements were signed in Yerevan with two industry leaders: Nokia, a global giant, and MediaKind, an internationally acclaimed company that provides cutting-edge television solutions and high-quality services. The signing was attended by RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, Acting Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission Garegin Baghramyan, Chairman of the Television and Radio Commission Tigran Hakobyan, ambassadors, and leaders from the banking, technology, and business industries.

"Ucom has taken a bold step in all directions, making investments aimed at the company's next stage of development. It is important for us at this time to develop and modernize the network, introducing 5G-ready technologies. The modernization will start from regions. This aligns with our strategy, which our team, our shareholders, our partners believe in," said Ucom Director General Ralph Yirikian.

Nokia has been selected by Ucom to upgrade and broaden the mobile network in preparation for the delivery of 5G-ready services in all Armenia. Furthermore, Nokia will enhance the core infrastructure of Ucom's fixed and mobile networks. This includes the deployment of a new high-bandwidth IP transport network designed to elevate the user experience for both mobile and fixed services. This enhancement will result in increased data transfer speed and capacity.

“Nokia is excited to strengthen its partnership with Ucom in this new deal. With the introduction of our latest technologies, we will help Ucom deliver an exceptional customer experience that is robust, highly responsive, and efficient. This will empower businesses and individuals with advanced connectivity solutions while positioning Ucom to seamlessly transition to 5G in the future,” announced Nokia, a leading company for 159 years already, with the speech of Peter Wukowits in Yerevan, Nokia's Vice President of Mobile Networks, Europe.

"Ucom is preparing for big leaps and we are all excited. With the new strategy, this large-scale investment of the last decade, Ucom starts with the regions. The vision is shared by the shareholders with great faith, that under the leadership of Ralph Yirikian, Ucom will bring exceptional new quality and culture to the company and our subscribers," Artyom Khachatryan, Co-founder, and Co-chairman of the management board of Galaxy Group of Companies, said in his speech.

Through collaboration with MediaKind, Ucom is set to introduce a technologically advanced TV platform, extending beyond its current IP TV network. This expansion promises a wholly new and enhanced experience for both home and mobile subscribers.

 “As a global leader in media technology and services, MediaKind embraces new standards worldwide. Partnering with a dynamically developing company such as Ucom is a tremendous honor for us. This partnership empowers us to deliver top-quality media content to Armenian subscribers. Our objective is to establish a next-generation television service in Armenia.” said Viet Nguyen Cao, MediaKind VP of Sales in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.


Ucom is the fastest growing telecommunications operator in Armenia. It is the absolute leader in the provision of IPTV and fixed Internet services and also occupies leading positions in the Armenian mobile Internet market. With modernized 4G+ and its own fiber optic networks meeting the best international standards, Ucom provides a complete set of fixed and mobile communication services to more than 700,000 subscribers.

Nokia is one of the leaders in the application of the latest technologies in the field of communication and telecommunications. As a leader in B2B technology innovation, the network leader is where you feel, think, and act using Nokia's work across mobile, fixed, and cloud networks. Additionally, the company creates intellectual property and award-winning assets through long-term research conducted by Nokia Bell Labs. Service providers, enterprises, and partners around the world trust Nokia to provide secure, reliable, and stable networks and collaborate with the company to create digital services and applications.

MediaKind, is trailblazer in the video technology landscape, empowering over 2,000 global service providers, operators, content owners, and broadcasters. Its award-winning video technology sets a new bar for the quality of experience, and its commitment to innovation and excellence has been driving the media and entertainment industry to new heights for three decades, while the cutting-edge solutions deliver unmatched viewing experiences across linear, on-demand, and OTT services. As a catalyst for live entertainment and an Emmy award-winning leader, MediaKind remains a trusted partner in shaping the future of media and entertainment worldwide.