ZCMC CJSC general director R.N. Khudoli on the օccation of Internatioanal Labour day
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to congratulate all employees of ZCMC, partners, and colleagues in the industry on the occasion of the International Labour Day!
I would like to thank everyone for another productive working year, for overcoming challenges together, for jointly achieving our goals and for cooperation.
The 70-year history of ZCMC is that of generations of professionals, who together built and continue to build the pearl of the Armenian industry, men and women who know the value of work and pride for achievements.
Today more than 4,600 people work at ZCMC.
Few people outside our industry know that each direct job in the industry creates 3-5 indirect jobs in the region. We are especially proud that Syunik region is the leader among the regions of Armenia in terms of salary scale. Not only direct but also indirect jobs in our region play a huge role in this. It is indirect jobs that are an important component of economic development, the prosperity of small businesses, and the creation of parallel economic opportunities if of greatest importance.
Few people outside our industry know that the mining industry, especially an enterprise of the size of ZCMC, unites representatives of a wide variety of professions. Today, our company employs about 300 certified, qualified specialists in mining, metallurgy and geology, alongside whom work hundreds of other professionals, a large team of engineers, electricians, chemists, economists, ecologists, social specialists, lawyers and many others. In what other industry than ours, representatives of such different professions are building something together, side by side with workers.
There are new, ambitious goals ahead. From optimization and expansion of production to digitalization of processes and modernization of the enterprise. These are goals that are not only aimed at improving economic performance for the enterprise and for the country. This is the path towards our common commitment to become an examplary enterprise not only in the country and in the region, but also in the global mining industry.
In achieving this goal, the input of everyone, from top managers to all employees, is important and valuable.
Happy Labour Day and successes in your work!