The judge just made a decision to place Avetik under arrest for three months. Anahit Adamyan

The judge just made a decision to place Avetik under arrest for three months…
Right now there is a break in court hearing, Avetik is still speaking with friends, supporters and me. Very soon he will walk away with guards.
Even the prosecutor thought there is no need for arrest, that release on bail is enough. But the court was preceded by the devil himself, who in the face of judge Mnatsakan Martirosyan made his own decision to place Avetik under arrest.
This is not trial of Avetik, this is trial of all of us, who have values, believes and love for our country.
We, representing the light and the truth, will fight and win this war against the evil and its disgusting servants.
Dear friends, if you want to help, please share this post and other posts about Avetik.